Sharing Your Favorite BibleBanquet
Links the EASY Way...

         On an iPhone, it is very easy to share links to a specific Series of lectures or an individual BibleBanquet message.
Begin with the page you'd like to share...
Look for the "Share" icon at the bottom of your screen...and touch it. (shown below)

         THEN PICK A METHOD...
Once you tap the "Share" button a pop-up screen will prompt you to select your method of sharing (text message or email)
To send a text message pick the Green icon;
To send an email pick the Blue icon.

         TO SEND A TEXT...
When you select "Message" a link to the page you wish to share will automatically embed in your draft text message.
Simply address the message...
add your own comments...and SEND.

         TO SEND AN EMAIL...
If you choose to send an email, a link will automatically embed with a description in the subject line...
Simply address the email... add
Your own comments... and SEND
It's THAT easy!... Try it. And you'll never
have to ask for your cassette back!

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Copyright 2018, John W. Howe